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Illustrations for the story “On the Hill” by Nosov (59 photos)

    Immerse yourself in the world of amazing illustrations for Nosov’s famous story On the Hill! This collection of 59 photos fills hearts with joy and evokes little children’s laughter. Get ready for a magical journey and extraordinary adventures on Nosov Hill!

    Nosov on Gorka illustration
    Audio tale by Nosov on Gorka
    Picture of a ride like this
    Nishcheva all year round issue 2
    Nikolai Nosov at the gymnasium
    Dreamers on Gorka
    Drawing for Nosov’s story on Gorka for 2nd grade
    Snowball game
    Drawing winter fun 4th grade
    Victor Dragunsky fire in the outbuilding or feat in the ice
    Soviet illustrations
    Patch Nikolay Nosov
    Drawing a slide
    Winter fun
    Composition winter fun
    Oseeva is just an old lady
    Scene picture New Year
    Nikolay Nosov steps
    Drawing a slide in winter
    Boy skating
    Surikov’s childhood
    Pike fairy tale at the behest of the pike
    Victoria Kirdiy artist winter
    Picture of winter fun in the senior group
    Drawing based on the story snowdrifts
    Drawing on the theme of thin ice
    Winter games drawing
    Surikov I’m rolling head over heels
    Slides for slides
    Drawing on the theme of winter
    Winter fun drawing
    N. Bogdanov-Belsky “skating from the mountain”
    Bogdanov Belsky Nikolai Petrovich on a sleigh
    Kustodiev skiing from the mountain
    Storytelling based on pictures
    Igor Popov – our yard 1964
    Alexander Moravov winter sports
    Oseeva on the skating rink
    Children ride on the slide
    Vasily Ivanovich Surikov childhood
    Nose Patch
    Retelling based on plot pictures
    The street is full of surprises drawing
    Finnish artist Inge lök and her cheerful old ladies
    Subject picture winter fun
    Patch Nikolay Nosov
    Cheesecake riding illustration
    A tricky way to illustrate
    Podlasskaya Lidia Petrovna artist
    Outdoor safety in winter for preschool children
    Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky winter
    Norwegian artist Axel Ender
    Winter drawings for children
    Drawings of the peoples of the north
    “Skating on Maslenitsa” 1914
    Series of pictures of a feeder
    Gennady Spirin illustrator